Sunday, September 24, 2006


I have not still forgotten my blog. I was waiting to get a camera to take some pictures of Madrid and my work's place.`s not my work yet because now i´m doing the course.... but in one month, if everything is ok, i will join in this fantastic, spectacular, brilliant firm called coritel. hehehe...i´m ironic.

The firm looks good. The build is spectacular with all glasses and with the magnetic pass to come in. Everybody wearing jacket like important executives...but, how everyfirm sucked all your blood and your life....but, anyway, now i´m happy. I´m learning a lot, and they pay me. Infact i´m also learning english because the lessons are in this language. The workmates are simpatic and the instructors are "just" instructors.

I live in arguelles....close to moncloa and bilbao. i like the place because is near everything. Usually i go out at night walking, without underground or bus. The flatmates are simpatic too. They`re from Canarian islands.

But, the worst is my timetable. the course starts at 3 o`clock until 10 p.m. Uff...i´m beginning to get up at midday, have a lunch and after go to work. when i get home i´m in the living room, have a dinner, watch a film and after go to bed at 3.....
This is not live. i propose me to get up at nine and doing some sport. i´ll start..


Anonymous said...

Umm, Sono contento che sia felice a Madrid, ma mi manchi un sacco!!! Pero bueno, qué se le va a hacer, poco a poco voláis todos del nido... bueno mono, cuídate, ya hablamos, un abrazo said...

Tranquilo, Gonzalo, que el jueves estoy yo ya en Sevilla y montaremos nuestras jornadas intensivas de estudio y farra.

Y a ti, Álvaro, ¿qué decirte?. Que tengas toda la suerte del mundo en esta tu nueva andadura profesional, y que creo que pronto nos veremos por los madriles...

Anonymous said...

Ese Bari!! Te puse un mensaje para quedar en Madrid y una de dos: o no te llegó o pasaste de mí :P.

Bueno chaval, ya habrá que quedar, ánimo con tu curso y mucha suerte cuando entres a currar, por cierto, vivimos bastante cerca.

Un abrazo