Sunday, June 25, 2006

The begining of the end

Yes, I've just bought the fly tickets to come back to spain.
I'll come back in 18 July!!
I'm fed up with london. In my house there are a lot of spanish guys and i don't want to look for another flat.
So , in two weeks i 'll go to austria one enjoy and meet this nice country and after i'll stay only two days in london and.....walaaaaaaaa....go to my Sevilla. I miss it a lot, and i miss my friends a lot as well.

6 comments: said...

Pues te espero por Rumanía en verano, si quieres conocer un país auténtico.

Bari AC said...

ok, dejame solo tres semanas para ponerme en forma (estoy de salud debil) y si tengo pasta me ves alli seguro!
Un abrazo mamon!

Anonymous said...

Hello bari!

This is Soléné!!! just have a look to your blog... remember me a lot of things... i miss the house and u and all our flatmates...! if u want to come in france! you're welcome! bye bye

Bari AC said...

Soleneee!!!!..ça va??? i hope that you're enjoying the sun, the beachs, your France...
Because the weather in london is so`s warm and yesterday it was raining a lot.
Here,we miss you a lot.

Bisous! Take care!

Anonymous said...

good blog!! NO BAD NO BAD

Anonymous said...

Por lo que leo debes estar ya en Sevilla, jeje, pues nos vemos la semana que viene, vuelvo el sábado 29, y la vamos a liar! O no? Bueno mono, cuídate y nos vemos pronto, un abrazo.