Thursday, June 01, 2006


There was a party in my house the last Saturday.Great! I worked this day and when i got home, at midnight, there were a lot of people in the house... Frenchs, italians, spanishs and even a libio.( and the black people who coming after)
Just when i arrived i already had a drink in my hand. I met another from Sevilla. He was from Porvenir district (like me) and he's brother of Hermandad de la Paz (like me). Nice! We was speaking and laugthing a lot. The party was very good.

Yesterday i was walking around the centre of london when my restaurant called me and said me a thing that i already knew: I'm dismissed. Perfect!! But me, in my role, i began to ask why and the manager said me: “a lot of understanding”...

Good way to dismiss people...( by phone).

Now, I have lot of free time to look for good jobs ( perhaps biology job) and i also look for new house. On Sunday i was with the flatmates in a huge park in Hampstead (north of london). Very good district ( “its`s lovely”, how the restaurant's costumers said me when i brought the meal).

I will try find a house there.

I'm happy! My mother come to london in two weeks and i will go to austria in July!


Anonymous said...

mu buenas!! hacia tiempo q no leia nada tuyo, me voy poniendo al dia.un abrazo fuerte y q vaya todo bien.

er gome said...

Congratulations Álvaro!! It's always a pleasure to have the family as closer as possible... and, what can I tell you about Austria?? I think everybody wanna go to Wien, XD...

Bari AC said...

Wien??...what is it?`s a name of a city?..sorry for my unculture young master :P

Gomeeee, que grande eres. Hacia tiempo que no se nada de ti!!Espero que todo te vaya como tu kieres.
Muchos recuerdos y haber si vais planeando el salir un poco de españa, no se... a londres x ejemplo..y me haceis una visita ( esperando que aun siga aqui y no me haya artao de tanta comida basura) said...

¡Qué coño, ese Tole a Rumanía, y ya de paso te vienes tú también, jejejee!