Monday, June 12, 2006


Yesterday I went with my spanish friends :Jorge, who is biologic and his friends who are nurses, to a polemic exhibition here in London: BODIES.
this exhibition was forbidden in USA.
The author did anothers controversial show like a live autopsy on TV.
Anyway, the ticket cost 11 pounds (very expensive, but it was the reduced price (university carnet)....normal price is 17 pounds....
The exposition was incredible. you can learn a lot because you can see all the muscles, organs, bones of human beings. You also see the arterial and vens, the nervious and the skin (incluso only the skin like a dress)
the bodies are all from Camboya. i think they come from a concentration camp. This guy took the bodies and with a special polimerasa logro conserv perfectly them.
It`s a very good anatomy lesson but i didn't like one thing: there was cadavers doing sport, with a rugby ball, another with a football ball.....
I show some photos:

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